منتديات عقيل عطارد

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تحتوي على معلومات فضائية وفلكية ودراسات عن المجموعة الشمسية والأجرام السماوية والمجرات وكل الذي في الكون من علم الفلك وريادة الفضاء .

    Your Store in New Capital N Mall

    نوران نور
    نوران نور
    عضو محترف
    عضو محترف

    الإقامة : Your Store in New Capital N Mall Ye10
    الجنس : انثى
    عدد المشاركات : 2113
    الرصيد : 68179
    السمعة : 13
    تاريخ الإنضمام : 16/08/2022
    رأي العضو عن المنتدى : هايل

    Your Store in New Capital N Mall Empty Your Store in New Capital N Mall

    مُساهمة من طرف نوران نور الإثنين 19 سبتمبر 2022, 05:39

    N Mall

    N Mall New Administrative Capital
    Join N Mall New Capital family and get the luxury and success you deserve!

    New Administrative Capital made it possible for you to invest in an ideal location with unprecedented advantages; It is located near the main roads and axes that make the process of moving to and from it easy and convenient, and it is not far from the high-end residential complexes in the area.

    The project has an elegant architectural design that imitates European styles in luxury and creativity, and it also includes a group of various units between commercial, administrative, and medical units, different spaces, and distinctive finishes that suit those with high taste, in addition to offering attractive prices and flexible payment systems in line with the different financial capabilities of customers and investors.

    N Mall location
    Olive Tree Developments always interested in choosing attractive strategic locations for its various projects, and this time it has located a unique place in the heart of New Administrative Capital, which is the future of investment in Egypt, and guarantees you overwhelming success due to its proximity to vital places and various service facilities that make your project a fertile environment for growth profit and productivity.

    Among the most important advantages of N Mall New Capital are the following:

    It is located in the prestigious Downtown area in plot MU1/15 specifically.
    It is located next to a distinguished chain of pharmaceutical and insurance companies inside N Mall New Administrative Capital.
    The mall is located in front of the computer companies and the data center.
    You can reach from N Mall to Agile Radix Mall and Genesis Business Tower within a few minutes.
    You can go to the monorail station from the mall after a distance of 8 minutes.
    The distance between the project, insurance companies, and medicines is estimated at about 3 minutes.
    The mall is only 5 minutes away from Al Masa Hotel.
    Features of N Mall New Administrative Capital
    There is an impressive set of distinctive features enjoyed by the customers of N Mall New Capital, the most prominent of which are the following:

    Choosing the mall's geographical location very carefully, close to vital places and important service facilities.
    The spread of green spaces and charming water bodies around the project creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort and relaxation and provides a suitable environment for work that encourages creativity and development.
    Dancing water fountains that you can take the most beautiful memorial photos next to and give an attractive civilized appearance to N Mall New Capital.
    The stunning engineering design of the mall and the colorful glass facades; Which make a large segment of customers and investors flock to buy units with it.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 28 سبتمبر 2024, 00:28